100. Never Naive Enough 1

That’s it then, yes, time
drop everything & rummage
time in a bubble different
it’s not what you need – no
outbreaks of tapirs & bards
we need utopian noise
hey, let’s invent music now

All these new solidarities
can’t life be simpler
                      if loneliest
no no no – it’s a lovely process
improvise the magic to achieve illumination
everyone together who’s that naïve
show your voice to join with ours as if you wished2



1 “Ah well, that’s me told then. The disingenuous old bugger.”



2 “Exiting, is he not? with a final swish & flounce of the curtains, moth-eaten & dingy as you like. Still, alright, I’ll try & do this too, just to help the old relic out: