26. The Sudden Appearance of Foxes in the Darkness of Night Shocked Her Deeply

choose something horrible
must sit at the edges
are smeared with a past
filthy as cake
regretted w/ everything
don’t know what is
learn very slowly
to hide inside possessions
abase ourselves to power
dream of many things
that may not happen
don’t trust
or like this world
– how can we
change it?

A Dog:
doesn’t regret
knows what is
hacked off head
knows what is
yet still
abased to power

bubbles & flourishes
fuels & propels
gets caught up & sticks
– scratch off
w/ brambles

don’t realise
don’t clean
don’t hate
– where are we all
this early autumn sun?

The Stories:
scars & repetition
grand natural process
what comes after
unfilled voids appear
mean nothing
spore, bubble to flourish
tend into dreams
all about children
tell us
what action is
what words
can do
filling these voids

25. The Stories

We chose something horrible, of course – the stories
all the old scars that form our inheritance
and the yearly repetition of summer & then
what comes after

What comes before smeared all over us now
it’s a cruddy cake we do regret eating
a dog wouldn’t – but aren’t we lacking its sense
of what is?

Hate bubbles up like paint in the August sun
all the stuff we’d taken sticking to us now
the children don’t realise but it covers them

The stories mean nothing, are blossom sporing
yet again our dreams: canicide, revolution and
personal fulfilment. We ought to like the world & trust
wisely don’t

24. More Mongrel Theory

It was the tattoo that told me all
a collar of S’s on his Staffie
I’d inscribe on its back to let it scream
the Sun in Splendour! the Neon Cross!
no excesses! no German! no bloody quotations!
just the right size in the right place
– now that’s what I call ein gutes Gedicht!

We’re all going to hell in a handcart
the little one sang so I relented then, a bit
the air reeked of buddleia & country-rock as well
the signs of an English summer as it all turns to kitsch
I accept no responsibility
                           not for your choices now
a true radical poetry can’t be written in English
what it utters cost too many lives

Is there any language where the word for “blood”
does not thrill you to the heart w/ all that’s lost?
OK, that’s what the dog said, & it knows
– not as a concept but a syrupy smell
yeah, like summer, like poetry, like radical chic
coming back again & again & sticking to us, oozing
to loopily annoy our skin
                          I won’t hurt it now

Encrust it all with gore! stick its Staffie head
on top of Bassett’s Pole – know nothing but hate
coating me up like ancient gloss paint – tacky
my eyes water for the little children covered with our hate
our excesses scar their lives already
what we lost in our long war with ourselves
gone absolutely: time for total strip out
I’m sorry about the dog
                        not it’s fault either
chuck the rubbish maybe & then get digging

Nothing holding us here once the dog’s dead – let’s
steal away, far from the buddleia, now, the salvia
all the chrysanthemums & dahlias that flock & flutter
they give me no pleasure
                         no understanding or ignorance
just gardeners filled with joy at their plugging of the void

I ought to like this world & trust but don’t
                                             who would?
time to stop killing dogs, then maybe to get some fun

14. To Dig out Those Ditches, Then, at Least to Start

Good food does require some care
obedience then to natural process – let
the little ones grow we say, nourished
w/ syrupy pleasure

Sarah will live out of time – only
sad prejudices gendered the Ancient Ones
whatever we mean is irrelevant now
t/ how things are

Yes, the children frolic in the Victoria Gardens
giggling excesses through the shrubbery – look!
vast energies are channelled through them
no need to prune

We shall make cakes, we shall make ropes of
thorns & withies for those high worth individuals
we catch then skulking on the Esplanade: trust
yr disgust & act

13. With Maggot Exposed1

With Maggot Exposed

& how is ridging done? And why does it obtrude over simple joy? How comes all this paraphernalia, corrosive & subjective in its choices, has suddenly fallen out of my potting shed? Where has Sarah gone to now? – and was she really one of the Great Masters? Why are they almost always male and dead? How many types of carrot are there, too? What causes the pale patches? And the mess made of their juicy roots?

Are there bad ways to keep birds off the peas? Does distorting our heads assist or hinder in this? What happened to a rosy dawn on the Isle of Thanet? Is it possible these children are there? frolicking on the cliffs at Broadstairs? Should they therefore be pruned hard or moderate?

Will making an onion rope help? Why can’t we make another cake instead? How does all this relate to the continuing & ever-increasing seizure of power over us by our present high-status elite? Will they leave any rich & well-trenched burials for future archaeologists? Aren’t they more likely just to tip us all into extinction? And which are they at root? – the common scab, or wart disease? Isn’t this all clearly just the wrong way to place rock stones? Shouldn’t we politely make our thanks, and start digging out the ditches now?




 1 what sort of comment is this?